Get the Excel sheet or automate it with Tidely

With this free Excel spreadsheet, you can get an overview of your income and expenses and plan your liquidity for the next year.

Or take a look at Tidely: With Tidely, you can connect all your accounts and ERP systems and automate your liquidity in real-time.

Liquiditätsplanung-Vorlage für Excel – das erwartet Dich

After opening it in Excel, you can easily define your personal transaction types and enter your income and expenses. The liquidity planning for the next year is then automatically created.

Du siehst sofort, wann ein Liquiditätsengpass auf Dich zukommt und hast einen guten Überblick, wie Du schnell gegensteuern kannst.

Download an Excel sheet for liquidity planning

Please enter your email address to download the Excel template for liquidity planning for free!

You will receive the template directly via email.

Plan your financial future in real time and automated with Tidely

What changes the use of Tidely?

Tidely offers you and your team a simple digital solution for a successful liquidity planning.

So that you can always answer the following questions: How liquid is your company currently? When do bottlenecks occur and how can you effectively counteract them? How will your company's liquidity develop over the next few months and years?

Save time & minimize risk
Increase earnings & invest liquidity
Identify liquidity bottlenecks at an early stage
Create transparency for all stakeholders
Set-up time

Bank account synchronization

Connect all of your business accounts and credit cards to Tidely. Once connected, your data is always up-to-date.

ERP system integration

Connect to your existing accounting systems such as Lexoffice, sevDesk or Xentral and make your life so much easier!

Bills & account movements

Import all of your invoices and always keep track of your account movements — in real time.

Liquidity planning with Excel vs. Tidely — these are your benefits

The Excel template is a good solution for quickly and cost-effectively setting up a basic framework for your liquidity planning. In the long run, however, manual maintenance quickly becomes confusing, time-consuming and prone to errors. With a smart Liquidity planning software Like Tidely, you plan your finances reliably and efficiently.

Minimize errors through automatic data transfer

When planning liquidity with Excel, you have to manually enter your data, which increases the risk of typing and calculation errors. A small mistake in a formula can falsify the entire liquidity planning. Tidely automatically imports all relevant data from various sources and performs complex calculations without errors.

Tidely importiert alle relevanten Daten automatisch aus verschiedenen Quellen und führt komplexe Berechnungen fehlerfrei durch.

To all integrations
Tidely integrations

Save valuable resources with real-time updates

Manually enter data into Excel, set up complex calculation formulas, update reports — all this costs you and your team a lot of time, which you then lack for value-adding tasks.

Tidely updates data in real time and creates relevant reports at the push of a button. Instead of maintaining data, you can concentrate fully on strategic decisions, optimizing cash flow or analyzing investment opportunities.

Tidely Forderungen

Benefit from a clear dashboard

With extensive liquidity planning, an Excel template can quickly become confusing. Between linked sheets, nested formulas and large amounts of data, attention to detail is lost and information is difficult to interpret. With user-friendly dashboards and clearly structured reports, Tidely helps you with your

Tidely hilft Dir mit benutzerfreundlichen Dashboards und klar strukturierten Berichten, Deine liquidity easy and quick to analyze. In this way, you always make well-founded decisions.

More about this
Tidely Dashboard

Work transparently and comprehensibly as a team

When multiple people work on the same Excel file, version conflicts and data inconsistencies can quickly occur. Changes are difficult to track and there is a risk of important information being overwritten or lost.

With Tidely, you put over user rights Determine who has access to which data and changes are synchronized in real time.

More about this
Tidely Dashboard

Willkommen in der Zukunft des Cash flow management

Say goodbye to confusing Excel tables as a template for your liquidity planning! Tidely makes complex financial data understandable. All accounts can be connected and automatically synced within 5 minutes.

Sieh jederzeit, wo Du finanziell stehst

How liquid is your business currently? Tidely clearly shows you all relevant key figures. With a setup in under 5 minutes thanks to easy and secure account integration.

Dashboard for overview
Track account movements live
Import invoices and integrate them
A preview of the Tidely software

Plan your financial future

How liquid will your company be tomorrow? How do financial decisions affect the future? Tidely determines your future liquidity at the push of a button.

AI-supported forecasts
Create various scenarios
Liquidity reports
A preview of the Tidely software

Triff gute finanzielle Entscheidungen

How can you actively influence your liquidity? Structure your finances so that you can manage them in the best possible way and choose the optimal time for payments.

Auto-categorize your transactions
Managing your liquidity
Warning system that turns off in time
Tidely Forderungen

Get meaningful reports at the push of a button

Manual data preparation has come to an end: Tidely generates perfectly formatted overviews for you to download in just a few clicks. Use them for presentations and advanced analyses.

Performance reports for all stakeholders
Consolidation to financial statements
Export & download in PDF format
A preview of the Tidely software

More than 600 companies 
already trust Tidely

As an independent Pilates studio, we are of course faced with new challenges and changes every day — and not just since Corona. Thanks to tidely, we can concentrate on our sports offerings, don't have to worry about open positions and can easily secure our long-term liquidity.

Lukas Fehling
Lukas Fehling
Pilates Sports

What I like about tidely is that I can get a clear overview of how our cash flow behaves under different scenarios within minutes. All bank accounts can be connected and synchronised in real time.

Joshua Schmid
Joshua Schmid
Schmiede Room

With Tidely, we've found a tool that gives us a comprehensive overview of our finances. The intuitive user interface and automatic synchronization of our bank accounts save us time and nerves every day. It is useful for any company that wants to keep its liquidity under control.

Ole Heegard
Ole Heegard
Finance & IT Manager

We now finally have the ability to automatically manage accounting processes, which saves us many work hours and a lot of stress! Thanks to tidely, it’s possible to create a detailed financial plan according to our specifications, and we are very grateful for that!

Leon Jakupi
Leon Jakupi

I’ve been preparing plans for the coming year for 30 years. I’ve never finished so quickly, and I believe the planning has never been so accurately aligned with the current state. Since my account is connected, I can’t forget or overlook anything anymore.

Passepartout rental service

Very intuitive software! The intuitive interface allows even an unskilled user to use the tool very easily, quickly and in a self-explanatory way. As a result, you will quickly achieve initial success and can serve the transparency of the company.


Tidely is a tool that provides us with a current overview of our financial status. It also greatly simplifies our liquidity planning. The tool is very user-friendly and designed in an innovative way. So far, the program has saved us a lot of time and improved our workflow.

MH Consulting

From my perspective, tidely is one of the most useful tools for e-commerce businesses. After implementing tidely, my overall feeling has completely changed. Tidely provides me with great security and allows me to sleep peacefully, knowing that I now have a complete view of all the numbers.

Dennis Baltzer
Dennis Baltzer
CEO & Founder

Finally, no more Excel liquidity planning! The integration with company accounts significantly simplifies the allocation and categorization of transactions. Additionally, the automatic categorisation based on many past transactions greatly eases the workload.

Flies Immobilien GmbH

"The easy creation of categories and rules, the automatic synchronization of all bank accounts, and the scenarios—these all contribute to a straightforward and secure liquidity management system in our company. A standout feature, however, is the excellent customer service and support with individualized solutions."

Financial Operations Manager
Dynamic Biosensors GmbH

With tidely, I can provide numbers quickly, and that’s truly invaluable! I have much better control over our liquidity and can justify the numbers to bank advisors and my employees at any time.

Alexandra Mehlis
Alexandra Mehlis
Mehlis Consulting GmbH

Basically, I would really recommend Tidely for any company. I can't think of an example of a company where that wouldn't make sense. Because if you don't have an overview of your liquidity, that is blind and simply lucky whether it works or not.

Andreas Düvel
Andreas Düvel
Senior Franchise Consultant
HOMECARE - Die Alltagshelfer

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In 10 - 20 minutes, our product experts will evaluate your requirements with you and answer your questions. After that, you can start your test phase right away!

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Direct integration with over 5,000 banks & OPOS systems
Developed and hosted in Germany

Jetzt kostenlose Erstberatung vereinbaren

Vereinfache Deine Liquiditätsplanung mit Tidely und triff fundierte Entscheidungen für ein nachhaltiges Wachstum.

Developed and hosted in Germany
Bank-level encryption
GDPR compliant
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