Feb 20, 2023
 Min. Lesezeit
Practical tips

Maximize your liquidity with efficient factoring: benefits and solutions for companies

Feb 20, 2023

Factoring is a financing method in which a company sells its receivables from customers to a third party in order to gain immediate access to cash. This practice is particularly helpful for companies that need quick liquidity but have to wait for payments from customers.

Maximize your liquidity with efficient factoring: benefits and solutions for companies

Factoring - Definition

If a company’s liquidity is immediately increased by the sale of outstanding receivables to third parties, this is referred to as the financing form known as "factoring."

When does factoring make sense?

The biggest advantage of factoring is the immediate availability of cash. Companies can improve their liquidity without having to wait for payments from customers. This helps them to keep their finances stable and continue conducting business without running into bottlenecks.

Factoring is also useful for companies that have high growth potential and want to expand their business. By accessing capital quickly, they can accelerate their business activities and increase their turnover.

Another advantage of factoring is that it allows companies to simplify their accounting and invoicing. Since they sell their receivables to a third party, they no longer need to worry about monitoring payments and collecting receivables.

Factoring is beneficial for a wide range of industries, including trade, manufacturing, logistics, and services. It is particularly helpful for small and medium-sized businesses that struggle to raise capital and stabilise their finances.

In summary, factoring can be described as a useful financing method that provides companies with access to faster capital, improved liquidity, and simplified accounting. Companies of all sizes and industries can benefit from the advantages of factoring, helping them to run their business successfully.

Examples of factoring applications

Factoring can also be a valuable resource for the effective management of cash flow. Since companies sell their receivables to a third party, they have immediate access to cash, which helps them to cover ongoing expenses and keep their finances stable. This is especially important for companies that experience seasonal fluctuations or face unforeseen expenses.

Process for a retailer during the pre-Christmas period

An example could be a retailer who expects a significant increase in sales during the pre-Christmas period but has to wait for customer payments in order to cover running costs. By selling his receivables to a factoring provider, he can gain immediate access to cash, allowing him to restock and continue selling.

Factoring example for a construction company

Another example could be a construction company that has to wait for payments from customers while needing to pay for building materials and labour costs. By selling its receivables to a factoring provider, it can gain immediate access to cash to cover its expenses and continue running its business, without encountering bottlenecks.

Factoring is a valuable resource for managing cash flow and helps companies to keep their finances stable and run their business successfully.

The right factoring tool

A specialised factoring tool helps companies by accelerating and simplifying processes. These tools offer automated functions such as monitoring receivables and checking incoming payments to ensure that companies receive their money quickly. In addition, specialised tools also enable more effective communication between the company and the factoring provider, including the transmission of documents and information in real-time.

Another advantage of specialised factoring tools is that they provide companies with better oversight of their finances and cash flows. This helps them make targeted decisions and actively manage their finances. Furthermore, these tools offer comprehensive reports and analyses that give companies better visibility into their finances and the factoring process in general.

Overall, using a specialised factoring tool helps companies to save time and resources by enabling more effective and efficient management of their finances. It helps them to keep their cash flows stable and continue running their business successfully.

tidely has a strong partner in abcfinance, which offers smart & secure financing solutions for companies. Thanks to easy integration of abcfinance into tidely, you can quickly and efficiently counteract financial bottlenecks or seize growth opportunities through strategic investments.

In a free, interactive webinar, you can learn more about the opportunities offered by the partnership between tidely and abcfinance. Find out more about the free webinar now!

About the author

Martin Eyl
Martin Eyl
Chief Financial Officer

Martin Eyl is the CFO of Tidely. With his extensive experience in cash management, he drives the financial strategy and growth of the company. Previously, he led startups such as M.I.T e-Solutions and PIPPA&JEAN.

Martin Eyl
Martin Eyl
Chief Financial Officer

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