The Synesty integration of Tidely
With Synesty, you can sync a wide range of tools with Tidely, easily and without code.
The Synesty integration in detail
With the Synesty integration, you can automatically synchronise invoices from systems like FastBill, Stripe, and Google Sheets with Tidely to keep your liquidity planning up to date. All you need is a Synesty account and an API key from Tidely to establish the connection.
How it works
With the Synesty integration, you can seamlessly transfer invoice data to Tidely to optimise your liquidity planning. Automate the synchronisation of invoices from systems like FastBill, Stripe, and Google Sheets, ensuring they are always up-to-date in Tidely.
To use the integration between Tidely and Synesty, you need a Tidely account with a "Professional" subscription or higher, as well as an active Synesty account. Make sure that both systems are operational and that the categories are maintained.
To connect Synesty with Tidely, create an API key in Tidely under "Settings" and "Data Sources." Then, add an add-on in Synesty and enter the Tidely API key there. This will allow you to seamlessly synchronise invoices from systems like FastBill, Stripe, and Google Sheets with Tidely.
Synesty: How Synesty Assists You with Liquidity Planning Using Tidely
With the Synesty integration, you can seamlessly import your invoice data into Tidely to optimise your liquidity planning. Synesty connects numerous apps and enables you to create automated workflows that continuously monitor your apps and automatically transfer relevant invoice data to Tidely. This ensures you always have an overview of your finances and can make informed decisions without manual data entry.
Die Synesty benefits
- Broad app integration: Connects numerous apps and systems.
- Automated workflows: Reduces manual processes.
- Easy setup: Quick and uncomplicated implementation.
- Flexible adjustment: Customisable workflows as needed.
- Time saving: Automation saves valuable time.
- Reliable data synchronisation: Ensures up-to-date and accurate data.